Are you one of the lucky ones, Do you have a seperate telephone line, Purely used for your Internet connection ...NO ... Most people don't, So possibly you are missing a vital Phonecall because you are online.
If this sound like you ...And you are using a PC ... Perhaps BUZME can help.


BuzMe Service 2.0�

File size: 928K;
Minimum requirements: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP


Stay online and in touch with BuzMe's free Internet call waiting and voicemail service. BuzMe, which works on your existing phone number, allows you to receive and respond to phone calls while online. Complete with caller ID and your own private voicemail, it's a must-have for single-phone-line Internet users. As calls come in, BuzMe delivers them to your desktop and tells you who's calling. You may then go offline and take the call, type a text- to-speech reply that is read to the caller, send the call to voicemail, or reject it, all with just a few mouse clicks.

Plus, BuzMe's voicemail operates as a regular telephone company message center, taking and storing your messages. You may check your stored voice messages via the telephone or the Web. Your Microsoft Outlook Contacts can be imported into BuzMe's address book, and BuzMe's call log stores the phone numbers of everyone who calls you.

"Must have call forwarding service from phone company"

To Download the Free Program go to www.downloads.com and type Buzme in the search engine
